Javascript Dependency Tree
· β˜• 8 min read
Introduction In this post I will outline how to run tasks/jobs that have dependencies on other tasks such as builds or testing. When one task is dependent on another it means that the task cannot be be started or executed until it has the results from a previous task/job. Imagine you plan on making an omelette, this task requires that you have eggs among other things. We can say then that this task, “make-omelette”, has a dependency on eggs.

Javascript: Sequential Task Queue
· β˜• 3 min read
I decided to write this post as the result of attempting to find a pattern for executing any number of asynchronous tasks in a specified order with javascript. It came as a surprise to me that this isn’t supported out of the box in any modern browers javascript engine. After googling around for a few minutes I came across this related blog post Decembersoft Inc. which comes close but doesn’t yield a working solution.