Javascript Dependency Tree
· β˜• 8 min read
Introduction In this post I will outline how to run tasks/jobs that have dependencies on other tasks such as builds or testing. When one task is dependent on another it means that the task cannot be be started or executed until it has the results from a previous task/job. Imagine you plan on making an omelette, this task requires that you have eggs among other things. We can say then that this task, “make-omelette”, has a dependency on eggs.

K-Means Clustering
· β˜• 10 min read
In this post we will implement the K-Means Clustering algorithm in python. You will not need to know any python libraries such as numpy or pandas as this will be done in vanilla python. The key take aways here are: The algorithm by itself is naive, and not guaranteed to converge on the best fit centroid locations We need an optimizer of sorts to find an acceptable centroid fit Setup To generate your own fake data sets and try out a basic implementation of the k-means algorithm download and run the following file kmeans.

Ice Age
· β˜• 1 min read
Adventure throughout Azeroth and beyond following the events of the Frozen Throne, utilizing a real-time combat game system. Play here NOTE: Game development is currently on hold. Check back here in the near future to see updates! I will be using a generalized RL-agent to improve the game mechanics as well as player experience.

Vue.js Game
· β˜• 1 min read
So I built a game engine in javascript using Vue.js to do the rendering. It’s in an in-progress project, and therefore this post is as well. Play here

· β˜• 1 min read
These are the opensource npm modules that I currently maintain: python-enum homepage: npm: An implementation of python-like enums in JavaScript. NOTE: This package should not be considered as a performant extension of javascript nor should int-enums be considered a good language feature in a scripting language. I created this package because I have need of bringing over existing repositories from python to javascript. s2clientprotocol homepage: npm:

Javascript: Sequential Task Queue
· β˜• 3 min read
I decided to write this post as the result of attempting to find a pattern for executing any number of asynchronous tasks in a specified order with javascript. It came as a surprise to me that this isn’t supported out of the box in any modern browers javascript engine. After googling around for a few minutes I came across this related blog post Decembersoft Inc. which comes close but doesn’t yield a working solution.